Technical audit of a flat aftermarket

Experience is a crucial point during technical audit of a property from a secondary market. Construction industry is not just our work but also our great passion. We try to pass knowledge to clients that they know almost every fault of the place. Happens that we strongly advise against buying. It causes great disappointment because a house/ flat seems to be very attractive at the first sight. It is at a bargain price and in a good localization. Unfortunately, estate agents know exactly how to "lure" potential clients into a trap; sign a preliminary contract and… That's right! Then you have to deal with your problems for years. Your dreamed home becomes a nightmare. Just because you didn't have a professionalist who would check the property technically and if needed advise against buying.

While choosing a company for an audit remember not just to take into consideration a price of the service because it is a common knowledge that: Grasp all, lose all

Examples of faults

We check the following aspects:

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